Allergy friendly venues in Ipswich

Uncover allergy friendly restaurants in Ipswich, Suffolk, and surrounding areas, making eating out with allergies easier than ever with our free-to-use, community driven review platform. Allergy Companions is a support network specifically for people with dietary requirements, food intolerances & severe allergies to come together and bring the enjoyment back to dining out with your friends and family. If you have somewhere to recommend, please leave a review and become part of the journey.

Miller & Carter - Ipswich

Miller & Carter - Ipswich


"I had my first ever dessert at a restaurant here!"

First time I had ever been here after avoiding restaurants for ages. I was sceptical as although it was a chain, the use of nuts was prevalent at my local restaurant. We rang ahead...

22.02.2021 Read more
The Grazing Sheep - Ipswich

The Grazing Sheep - Ipswich


"Well trained staff with a great Allergen Policy"

Went to the Grazing Sheep with a friend who is a Coeliac. The staff really helped answer a number of questions on suitable dishes and we had a fantastic meal....

01.04.2022 Read more
Pizza Hut - Ipswich

Pizza Hut - Ipswich


"Amazing experience"

My son is 5 years old and we have never really eaten out. We decided on Pizza Hut as we had heard good things. We spoke with the manager and staff were happy for his salad to be pr...

05.04.2022 Read more
Pizza Express - Ipswich

Pizza Express - Ipswich


"Dairy-Free food!"

I ordered off the vegan menu as I have a diary intolerance. I have the Vegan Melanzane - contained aubergine, a rich tomato sauce and vegan mozzarella! Whilst it tasted delicious ...

12.02.2022 Read more

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